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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nonsense thoughts at 1:16 AM

nothing really much to say... but i kinda miss blogging lately since i'm quite busy with my two jobs.. i actually just got home a 'lil bit past midnight and still on a caffeine rush that's why.. i think i have started the new year the right way and truly do hope that my plans and goals will be accomplished within this year.. and i have been good, meaning: haven't done that much shopping since the start of this year.. :) although i just got a mail from RL for their ongoing winter sale.. wow, i don't think i know how to blog anymore! i have some new friends online and we share some common interests on being a fangirl and i am really thankful for them since now i can talk to someone with regards to my fangirliness.. its been quite a bit boring at the bank these last couple of days, since its no secret that the economy is going bad and people just don't come in to the bank as much as before.. so there's some days when i'm done with my work early and then basically just try to find stuff to do.. that's when i decided to teach myself some Mandarin words, give me something to do and in order to be a bit familiar with it since i'm planning on taking some classes to learn how to speak Mandarin.. oopps.. its already 1:30 so i think i really need to fore myself to sleep since i also work tomorrow at noon.. : )