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Friday, August 15, 2008

Cranberry&Vodka plus Tokyo Tea Friday

my new fave... Tokyo Tea...

Not really drunk, though but a bit tipsy... But hey, I'm back!!! It's been a while, I've been really busy.. It was audit week at work and the auditors grilled me for the last couple of days.. Thank goodness that the audit went well.. So we decided to have drinks after work.. And that's why here I am.. blogging drunk!! hahaha.. We went to the Valley Brewery but since I'm not a big beer drinker I opted for Cranberry and Vodka for my first drink.. And of course I had my second one... I wanted to try Long Island Iced Tea which apparently is in no way just tastes as iced tea.
So my co-workers suggested Tokyo Tea as it goes all out with my "asian" craziness lately.. : ) It was really good though I should say.

Its been a while since the last time and we went out for drinks and this one was really fun!
Have a good weekend everyone!!!!

** woohoo Michael Phelps just won his 7th Olympic Gold... **