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Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm Back!

At long last, we got our replacement modem the other day, and its good to have internet connection AGAIN!!!!! Something got wrong with my wireless router last Saturday and since then I didn't have any internet.. so yeah, the posts you read on here.. It's not mine.. It's my sister's for her pay per blog! hahahha.. It was so hard not having any internet, thank goodness I have my iPhone and so I was still able to chat with my sister or surf the web and watch stuff on Youtube.. But not having it for three days... yes, THREE DAYS really drove my mom crazy.. crazy.. crazy.. Syempre she wasn't able to see her super "bait" grandson, Joaquin.. (yeah, she goes online everyday just to see him on the webcam...) So it was major torture for me as well!!!

So yeah.. I'm here.. I'm back... and I'm blogging!


my blog said...

Its good to see, you are back.I like reading your posts very much.
