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Friday, June 6, 2008

A second job for me

Working in a bank here in California is really tiring since our branch has a lot of clients. I got transferred from a teller job to office job in my 2 years stay. I can say that I am really enjoying it, not to mention that it pays very well. However, since I have nothing to do at home after work, I am thinking of getting a second job , maybe a thrice a week schedule will do. I saw a few offerings in our area and im planning to apply over the weekend. I can also try a sales career because it has a flexible time schedule. I hope I can handle a second job as well.


complicated girl said...

Very enterprising! I was thinking about it myself. But i wanted to teach in kid's school. I love kids. But i need to have education credits. So I am going back to school. Goodluck!