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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Gossip Girl.. Pinoy Version?!?


I was chatting with my friend this morning when she told me about this blog that started to get popular around the web and it really got me curious so I checked it out. It was about that much highly publicized "scandal" involving some well-known names in Manila's Party Society.. It was so amazing on how he dished out on every single thing about the people involved.


I've read on some wordpress sites, that its like Gossip Girl.. Pinoy Version.. Only this involve real people.. real lives.. He was ripped off with $70,000 and is demanding the person to pay him back or he'll continue lashing out on his blog about him and the rest of what he referred to as the as "Gucci-Gang" So, if you guys have the time, check out the link to get updated! This has becoming the fast-paced "online telenovela" as some people coined it. So now, skeletons are out of the closet.. Dirty Laundries left and hang out to dry for all the world to see! Sadly it does involve some names from Manila's so-called "high society".. Thank God, I'm just a simple person.. living a simple life.. I guess too much desire for money and fame can do you know no good!

Sure do hope the poor guy will get his money back since its his life savings and he really need it.. And that people who are involved should really get the help they need..