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Monday, January 21, 2008

Well.. Looky Here..

Look what I got last Saturday when I went out to do some shopping:

Of course I have to thank my dad for letting me use his credit card, but I am proud to say that I didn't spend a lot this weekend, hey I only spent a little over $ 80!! And I have to tell you, its a big step for me.. hehe.. I went to Marshall's just to check on some items, there's really not that much new stocks since most of them are for winter season. But when I saw this pair of RL sneakers.. Oh my gosh! I just know I have to get this. It's on clearance and the price tag is only: $ 10.00!!! Yup you read it right.. ONLY TEN DOLLARS!! I didn't even bother looking for what size it was, its the last pair, I just have to grab it! There goes the shopaholic in me!

I love Ralph Lauren, its my brand.. From purses to shoes to apparels, most of my stuff I can say. Its the brand that I find to be so classic and yet not that expensive. And so I pass on this addiction even to my nephews and nieces.

I know its way big for Joaquin, but I do have a lot of pamangkins, and I know that this will fit one of them. I just cannot pass up an opportunity of seeing a RL sneakers for just $ 10.00. Now, all I need to do, is find the right person that will fit in it.. And no Ate, Joaquin cannot have this.. Too big for him.. Sorry there's nothing on the toddler's shoe section that caught my eye! haha..