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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Medicate

1. Do you take a lot of medication? - nope, just vitamins

2. Name one of your flaws and tell us about it. - a small scar at my knee, I had it when I was young during a bike incident

3. Have you ever won first place? If yes, tell us about your victory! - yes, quiz bee

4. Who is the last person to make you smile? What was happening? - My son, he told me about one funny story he had at school

5. Describe a time when you should have tried harder. - oh many times, during some work interviews

6. What are you best at? - taking care of my kids

7. If someone was going to make a movie or TV show about your life, who would play you and why? - Anna Hathaway.. I just like her:)

8. Name 3 things that you think are strange. - weather is really acting strange lately.

9. What is one lesson you have learned in the past 12 months? - value health