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Monday, May 3, 2010

3rd death anniversary

We will be celebrating the 3rd Death anniversary of my father in law this June, and we are planning to have a small reunion at their house. Time sure flies very fast; as I look back 3 years ago His very first grandson is only a year old. My father in law is very much fond of his grandson and even though he is already on his deathbed, can’t speak, can’t move since his lungs already collapsed the night before and is given a 24-48 hrs to live…I felt & saw that the last person he wants to see was his 1st grandson and after that meeting he peacefully passed away. My husband shouldered the funeral costs and the other cost were handled by my mother & sister in law.

We visit my father in law whenever we have time once a month and we also offer our prayers for the eternal repose of his soul.