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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Friday 5 - Childhood Indulgences

Before I even check on some christmas gifts online like golf balls for my dad, let me answer these questions first. I just miss my childhood days.

  1. When did you last have a mid-day nap? - During Sundays when Im not going to the mall, I just sleep at home.
  2. When did you last have milk and cookies? - Milk? I cant remember, but cookies, I can say, every week.
  3. When did you last have a bubble bath? - Just recently. I enjoy my time at the bathroom :)
  4. When did you last jump on the furniture? - I think I never did this even when I was a kid.
  5. When did you last play in the mud? - When I was still in grade school , which is yearssss ago.
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