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Monday, March 31, 2008

Loving MY Hair...

I've joined the bandwagon.. I've been blog hopping and seen a bunch of my blog friends having their hair chopped up for the summer. I can just imagine how hot it is right now in the Philippines.. so to anticipate my coming trip (which is just a month away! woohoo!!) I've decided last week to get my much awaited haircut.. (never got the chance to edit the date on my cam.. sorry..)
Good thing they were able to take me for a last minute appointment, I was second guessing since the salon I go to is somewhat pricey.. Good thing my boss let me out at 5:15 since my appointment is for 5:45. I love the place, since the stylist gave me a soothing scalp massage first, then a neck and back massage too. And they won't hurry up during shampoo.. It's really a whole relaxing experience not just an ordinary haircut appointment. So my cut was somewhat like what Rihanna had before, no more Posh for me! I guess it was called A-line razor edged cut?!? Somewhat like that. But the price for me is really worth it! It's easy to style since I really had the back super chopped off! guess how much I paid for??