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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thoughts on a Boring Sunday Morning


Every Monday, I can't wait for the week to be over. But when weekend comes around I find myself thinking, what do I even look forward to? For whatever reason, I am irritated lately at work, I don't even want to think that it might mean that I am not happy in my job anymore. I never really liked it but the benefits and the pay and of course SOME of the people I work with, keeps my sanity intact. Weekends of course only means one thing: SHOPPING! but since I started saving for my trip in May, I just can't afford to shop a lot. And my philosophy when it comes to this is " If I can't shop a lot, I'd rather strap myself at home and not shop at all because buying just one item is such a waste of time, gas, and effort!" So if I won't be bringing home at least two shopping bags, I just won't go out at all.

So with shopping already X'd out of my list, what's left for me to do? Let's see... ummm.. ahhh.. hmmm.. thinking.. still thinking... ok I got it! NOTHING! there's nothing to do. Well except the usual I can clean my room, go over my mails, shred stuff I don't need, clean my make-up brushes.. Do I really want to do that? Then of course there's TV, my one and only best friend out here, but then on Sunday Mornings this is what's on: sports, sports, more sports.. presidential debates (not interested at all), home TV shopping (not gonna help me at all!) so then again: NOTHING. We do have cable TV and TFC, but its on another TV and not mine.

I wonder, how am I gonna spend this day. I already did spend my Saturday sleeping so I'll probably do something else. I'll check on my movies, I'll probably just watch one or two of them for the Nth time!